Night Bus Survey – Participant Information


You are being invited to participate in a research study. Please take the time to read the following information carefully and feel free to ask us if you would like more information or if there is anything that you do not understand. We would like to stress that you do not have to accept this invitation and should only agree to take part if you want to. Thank you for reading this.


1. What is the purpose of the study?
This study is evaluating the night bus pilot programme.


2. Why have I been chosen to take part?
You have been invited to take part because we are interested in the experiences of people who used the night bus during the pilot programme.


3. Do I have to take part?
No – participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw your participation at any time before submitting the questionnaire, without explanation, and without incurring a disadvantage.


4. What will happen if I take part?
If you agree to take part, you will be given a link to an online questionnaire for you to complete. The questions ask about your experience of the pilot programme, your expectations about the service, and some general demographic information. This should take no longer than three minutes to complete.


If you have provided an email address this will be stored securely on University of Liverpool servers separately from my survey responses which remain completely anonymous. If you submit an email address for the prize draw, as soon as the winners of each draw have accepted their prizes this email address data will be destroyed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the draw (detailed in the link presented at the end of the survey).


5. How will my data be used?
The University processes personal data as part of its research and teaching activities in accordance with the lawful basis of ‘public task’, and in accordance with the University’s purpose of “advancing education, learning and research for the public benefit”.


Under UK data protection legislation, the University acts as the Data Controller for personal data collected as part of the University’s research. Dr Michael Humann acts as the Data Processor for this study, and any queries relating to the handling of your personal data can be sent to the research team – their contact details are listed below.


How will my data be collected?
Online questionnaire.


How will my data be stored?
Anonymised data will be stored on a secure server at the University


How long will my data be stored for?
10 years in line with University data storage policies


What measures are in place to protect the security and confidentiality of my data?
No personal data will be collected in this survey.


Will my data be anonymised?
The responses are not linked to any identifiable feature.


How will my data be used?
Anonymised data will be shared with partner organisations and may be used in peer reviewed publications.


Who will have access to my data?
Members of the research team only will have access to personal participant information.


Will my data be archived for use in other research projects in the future?
Anonymised data will be archived on the University of Liverpool’s computer system and may be used in the future to assist with further service evaluations.


How will my data be destroyed?
Files will be deleted at the end of the 10-year storage.


6. Are there any risks in taking part?
We do not expect there to be any risks in taking part. You can choose not to answer any question that you feel uncomfortable with. We will provide a debrief which will contain signposts to various forms of support should you need them.


7. Are there any benefits in taking part?
There is no intended benefit for you in taking part in this study. By sharing your experience, you are helping to improve the experience and service.


8. What will happen to the results of the study?
We will use the study to write an evaluation of the experience and service which will inform and improve potential future provisions.


9. What will happen if I want to stop taking part?
You can withdraw your participation in the study at any time until you submit the questionnaire, without explanation. When data has been submitted, we will not be able to withdraw your data.


10. Disclosure of criminal activity?
As you are self-completing the questionnaire and there is no identifying features confidentiality will be maintained.


11. What if I am unhappy or if there is a problem?
If you are unhappy, or if there is a problem, please feel free to let us know by contacting the research team. If you remain unhappy or have a complaint which you feel you cannot come to us with then you should contact the Research Ethics and Integrity Office at When contacting the Research Ethics and Integrity Office, please provide details of the name or description of the study (so that it can be identified), the researcher(s) involved, and the details of the complaint you wish to make.


The University strives to maintain the highest standards of rigour in the processing of your data. However, if you have any concerns about the way in which the University processes your personal data, it is important that you are aware of your right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office by calling 0303 123 1113.


12. Who can I contact if I have further questions?
Please contact the researchers with any questions you may have.


The contact details of the Principal Investigators are:
Dr Michael Humann
Dr Mathew Flynn